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General Membership Information

Interested in becoming a member of P.A.C.E.?

Here is some General Information on our Enrichment Classes.

General Membership Information

PACE of Miami Enrichment meets at Riverside Baptist Church, 10775 SW 104th St, Miami, FL 33176, every Friday (only 1 day per week) during the school year. PACE offers a variety of classes, most lasting 55 minutes, for every age group, from 10:00 AM - 2:45 PM. Students may choose one or more classes. A 45 minute lunch break is provided at 12:00 noon.


There are two 12-week semesters during the school year. 

Fall Semester -- From the Friday before or after Labor Day for 12 consecutive Fridays, ending Friday before Thanksgiving

Spring Semester -- From the 1st or 2nd Friday after New Year's for 12 consecutive weeks, ending in late March/early April



The cost per class, per student, per week is $5.00, unless otherwise stated. Full payment for each month and applicable supply fees must be made in accordance with PACE Policies. There are no refunds given for classes missed and no refunds given once monthly payment is made. Supply fees are listed in the "Class Description" widget on the home page. You may take as little as one class, or a full schedule. 


The Registration Fee per semester is $65 per family, plus the cost of the required t-shirt for all students. Additionally, you will pay the monthly cost of any class(es) you choose to take. 

All PACE supported activities heretofore available to PACE Members families only. These include, but are not necessarily limited to: access to the PACE library of homeschooling books & tapes, participation in yearbook, ID cards, Discounted field trips, T-Shirts, Discounted Testing fees,  and end of the year promotion for all grades including Kindergarten & High School Graduation.  All PACE members will also have the benefit of joining FPEA and HSLDA for the group discounted rate.